Thursday, March 12, 2009

Soren really is THE MAN!

Soren already knows how to talk to the ladies. After getting dressed, he said to mommy, "I like that shirt on you. It's beautiful. You look beautiful." He is such a doll.

He is so empathic towards others also. He always has been. We were in a store the other day and he heard someone crying off in the distance and said, "That boy is crying. I don't know what he needs." And then yelled, "I'M SORRY KID." I just love his tender heart.

Some other quotes:
"Hello Ander. Cute little boy (insert kiss)." He is such a sweet big brother.

"I didn't get any sleep last night. I'm tired."

"My full's tummy." Then went on to correct himself and say, "My tummy's full."

After changing Ander in the family room at Ikea, I announced mommy has to go potty too. Soren then replied, "You're too big for the changing table."

MAN! I love that kid!


Alyssa said...

Ha!!! Thanks for the smiles today!

The Bec-ster said...

he is silly!