Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Recent faves

Playing under the curtain.

Peek a boo.

Riding his rocking horse.

Carrying around his new blanket.

Holiday and Soren playing with each other.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What Soren's into right now

He's into wearing our stuff (momma's hat).

Here he is wearing mom's flipflops.

Papa's shoes are just a little too big.

He likes helping papa wash dishes...

and helping him make pancakes.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Shower For Baby Aiden

Isn't he gorgeous?!!

They liked the onesies I made for them. Yay!

I love this picture I took of Jen and Aiden. Look at that smile. So precious!

The pinata was the highlight for Kristen.

The ultimate party animal.

Florida trip continued

It was so nice being able to hang out with my siblings again.

They crack me up.

Soren enjoyed hanging out with his Uncle Todd a lot...

Aunt Jen too.

We had to continue our great bowling tradition.

Florida trip, May 2008

It just wouldn't be Florida without getting up close and personal with an alligator.

Soren had fun hanging out with grandma...

and grandpa.

We saw some good fireworks at a local street fair.

Soren thought they were cool, but kept saying, "LOUD. LOUD."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A tribute to my mom

Although my mom is kind hearted, forgiving, charitable, and every other admirable trait you can think of, my favorite trait would have to be humorous. My mom is so funny! She makes everyone laugh. I've included some of the signs she has up in her house that crack me up. Happy Mother's Day momma! I love you!

Who wears the pants?

Ha. Love it!

This one is the best! Don't worry, I know you love me mom.

She had seven kids. She's been through it all.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Soren misses his grandpa

Soren has always loved his grandpa.

Today he was whining, almost crying and when I asked him what was wrong he said and signed, very sadly, "gampa." It broke my heart. I told him that we'd try and visit again very soon. I love and miss you too dad.